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RINL Apprentice jobs last date is 9 January

RINL Apprentice jobs last date is 9 January

RINL Apprentice jobs last date is 9 January

RINL Apprentice jobs last date is 9 January-RINL-VSP is inviting applications for Graduate and Technician Apprenticeship Trainees from the Engineering and Diploma Passed out candidates (Passed in 2022/2023/2024 only). The apprenticeship is for one year and is not extendable.  Candidates who have registered on the NATs portal can apply for this apprenticeship

Last date to apply 9 January

Engineering B.E. /B.TECH (Intake: 200 Nos.)- Mechanical, Electrical/Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science / IT, Metallurgy, Instrumentation, Civil, Chemical

Diploma (Intake: 50 Nos.) Mechanical, Electrical/Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science / IT, Metallurgy, Instrumentation, Civil, Chemical Mechanical, Electrical/Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science ,Civil, Mining, Chemical , Metallurgy

RINL Apprentice jobs last date is 9 January


Candidate will get stipend of ₹9,000/- per month for Engineering Graduates (GAT)

Stipend of ₹8,000/- per month for Diploma Engineering (TAT).

The stipend will be paid in two parts, 50% by the Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) and the remaining 50 % by RINL

.It is essential that the candidates have an Aadhaar seeded bank account that is enabled for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for receiving the Government’s share of stipend from BOAT.

Qualification: Engineering / Diploma passed out (in the years 2022/2023/2024 only). Registration in MHRD NATS 2.0 Portal ( is mandatory.

Not eligible

Candidates who has taken apprenticeship earlier or are undergoing are not eligible to apply.

Minimum Eligibility

a) Graduate(Engineering) Apprentices Ø Degree in engineering or technology from a recognized University/Institute. Ø Degree in engineering or technology from a recognized University/Institute empowered to grant such degrees by an Act of Parliament.

 b) Technician (Diploma) Apprentices Ø Diploma in Engineering or technology from State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline. Ø Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a University in relevant discipline

Procedure to apply

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