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Opportunities for Law Graduate in Allahabad High Court

Opportunities for Law Graduate in Allahabad High Court

Opportunities for Law Graduate in Allahabad High Court

Opportunities for Law Graduate in Allahabad High Court
Registration Process Now Started !!!

Law Graduate Research Associate in Allahabad High Court 2025-The application process has started on March 15 for the engagement of Research Associate for the candidates who have three or five year law degree from any recognized university. It is noted that it is only for fresh law graduates and candidates who have received their degree earlier are not eligible to apply. The candidate would be place at Allahabad and Lucknow.

Rs.25,000 per month

Duration of Service-1 Year and extendable

Application fee



Application starts15-Mar
Application Ends01-Apr
Last date to update the receipt of Payment08-Apr
Display of details of weightage marks, on the official website28-Apr
Objection(s) to award of weightage/marks may be raised upto01-May
Publication of list of candidates shortlisted for Screening Test and Interview Test27-May
Admit CardLast Week of May
Screening Test and InterviewSecond Sat or Sunday of July
Final ResultLast Week of July


Five year or three year Law degree obtained in the current calender year, i.e. 2025, from any Law College or University recognised by Bar Council of India.

2) Applications shall be accepted from such ‘Law Graduates’ who have neither practiced as an advocate nor are engaged in any other profession or vocation/service.

3) Candidates who may have appeared in LL.B. (Final Year) Examination in 2025 and may be awaiting results, may also apply.         

Candidates should have secured 55 percent in their last examination of Law


21 not more than 26 years

Opportunities for Law Graduate in Allahabad High Court

Who will appear in the written?

The candidates application would scrutinized and those who get weightage and according to the weightage will be called for written test and interview

Candidates three (03) times the number of existing vacancies or 150, may be shortlisted to appear at the Screening Test and Interview, subject to decision of the Committee, in order of their inter-se merit of Weightage Marks awarded. (10) The Screening Test and the Interview Test, may be held on the same day,

Final Selection

Final selection from amongst the shortlisted candidates would be merit based solely on the strength of aggregate of marks obtained by individual candidates, i.e., final Weightage Marks together with merit marks awarded at the

Offer Letter

Offer letter would be given at the same day when the result of interview is declared

Stepsweightage out of 100Stage
Language + Academics + Co-curricular Activities20% or 20 marksUpon submission of application form
Screening Test60% or 60 marksAt the stage of Screening and Interview Tests.
Interview20% or 20 marks

You can check and apply when the application opens

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